All You Need is Love

It’s been said, it’s been sung about, but still we need to be reminded: Everyone needs love, and dogs are no exception.

Dogs are excellent at showing their love for us, but it’s important that they know how much we appreciate and love them back. Dogs have four “love languages” that you can use to help them know just how much they mean to you. 

  1. Touch

This is the obvious one, isn’t it? Touch is HUGE for many dogs. The dog that runs up to you every time they see you and rubs their whole body against your legs. The dog that just wants to sit and be pet for hours. You can use physical touch as a reward for so many things, as well as just giving your pup a snuggle when you both need it. 

2. Tone

Did you know the tone of your voice is way more important to a dog than the words you say? If you tell them they’re the most beautiful animal that’s ever existed, but you say it in a deep, gruff tone, you’ll find your dog cowering. But if you tell them what a big stinky loser they are in a high pitched happy tone, you’ll see their tags wag in excitement! Dogs can’t actually understand words the way that we can, but they can understand your tone. It’s our job to communicate well with them, so be mindful of what your tone is saying!

3. Toys

Is there anything better than playing tug of war with your super excited pup? How happy do they appear when you pull out the ball for a good game of fetch? Some dogs would rather play with toys than even be touched, and it’s abundantly clear when the toy is their preference. Engaging in play with your dog is an excellent way of giving them exercise, mental stim, and just having a good time. There have been many behavioral dogs that learned to be nice to people because they showed up with their favorite toy!

photo by Josh Brouwers from Unsplash

4. Treats

To absolutely no one’s surprise, treats can be a great motivator! What better way to show your dog your love than to give them a super tasty snack? Your dog is interested in eating all kinds of stuff, so it’s super important that they know the really good treats will always come from you. Nothing sparks that dopamine rush like offering super delicious, super healthy snacks ( anyone?). 

Dogs are fairly simple creatures. There isn’t a lot of, “what if they misinterpret my intentions?” “What if they don’t *really* like me?” No no. It’s one of the reasons dogs are man’s best friend. Their emotions and desires are simple. Show your love and appreciation through your touch, tone, choice of toys, and treats. The only tricky part is figuring out which one your dog likes best, but I have a feeling most dogs aren’t going to be hiding the information from you. 

So go forth and love those pups. We all need it, and let’s be real: Our dogs deserve it. 


Muzzle Dissociation


Choosing a Puppy