
Litter evaluation.

Calling all breeders seeking a comprehensive evaluation of their puppies' temperaments! Look no further. Our in-person evaluations provide a detailed breakdown of each dog, offering insights into their unique personality profiles. Armed with this invaluable information, you'll be empowered to make informed decisions in selecting the perfect homes for your precious pups!

overall evaluation

Are you considering bringing a new puppy into your home? Or perhaps you're thinking of adopting another dog to join your family, and you want to ensure it's the perfect fit? Our thorough psychological and temperament evaluation is designed to assist you in making the best decision for both you and your furry companions. Whether you're contemplating adding a second dog to your household or welcoming your very first canine companion, entrusting our team to assess your prospective furry friend ensures invaluable insight and can spare you from potential headaches down the road.