e-Collar training


At Maligator Kennels, our E-collar dog training stands as a beacon of reliability, strengthening the bond between canines and their human counterparts. Through this method, obedience becomes not just a command, but a steadfast assurance. The emphasis lies not only on commands but on clear communication, fostering a deep understanding between handler and dog. This clarity instills peace of mind, granting both dogs and humans the freedom to navigate the world with confidence. In the realm of obedience, this technique becomes a cornerstone, fortifying the relationship, and enriching the lives of both pet and owner.


At Maligator Kennels, E-collar dog training serves as a transformative tool, addressing behavioral issues with precision and care. Whether it's quelling excessive barking, taming aggression, or curbing destructive tendencies, this method offers a tailored solution. By providing clear communication and consistent reinforcement, it guides dogs away from disruptive behaviors, fostering a harmonious household dynamic. Through this approach, both humans and canines find relief and empowerment, gaining the peace of mind and freedom they rightfully deserve. At Maligator Kennels, behavioral challenges become opportunities for growth, strengthening the bond between owner and companion for a brighter, more balanced future.

is my dog ready for e-collar training?

Read below to find out if your dog qualifies for acceptable and effective e-collar training

what is e-collar training?

Using an e-collar can serve as a powerful asset, provided it's utilized correctly (which means seeking guidance). It has the potential to become one of the most beneficial choices you'll make for your dog, fostering respect, precise communication, unparalleled reliability, and reinforcement of both on and off-leash commands.

However, if handled improperly, it can lead to regrettable outcomes. The e-collar functions as a tool for reinforcement and off-leash communication, intended to supplement training rather than replace it entirely.

Training should always take precedence and be prioritized as the cornerstone of achieving reliability with the e-collar. Its purpose is to strengthen commands that the dog already comprehends unequivocally but may choose to disregard.

What age should I start?

Age matters, but emotional and sexual maturity matters more for effective e-collar training. Dogs need to comprehend and handle correction stress. At Maligator Kennels, we don't start e-collar training before a dog is 6 months old, unlike some organizations. Starting too early is flawed in technique and psychology. Quality training trumps longevity in the business.

What skill level should my dog be at prior to e-collar training?

With our program, it would be appropriate to start e-collar training as your dog reaches the Junior & Senior levels of obedience. In rare cases, and with the guidance of one of our Master Trainers, some dogs might reach e-collar training as early as Sophomore level training.

We do have e-collar training for behavior problems as well, such as our Recess & Detention programs, and they are in high demand. For this to be used, the dog must meet the emotional maturity described above and it must be deemed appropriate by a trainer to use it as a tool.

Does Maligator do e-collar group classes or is it only personal training?

Our owner, a certified expert in canine psychology, recommends exclusive private e-collar training for optimal communication precision and effectiveness. Group settings may lead to inconsistent corrections due to timing errors or uncertainty in implementation, potentially confusing the dog.

Therefore, we prioritize personalized training to ensure clarity and fairness, avoiding confusion for your pet. Unlike some trainers who rush e-collar training in group classes, we focus on the dog's well-being, delivering results you'll appreciate.